Episode 64: Doing the right thing: Eugenio Pirri, COO at The Dorchester Collection

Episode 64: Doing the right thing: Eugenio Pirri, COO at The Dorchester Collection
Episode 64: Doing the right thing: Eugenio Pirri, COO at The Dorchester Collection

Eugenio shares his career in HR that has included his move from CHRO to COO at The Dorchester Collection.

Advocating that doing the right thing is the essence of HR leadership, Eugenio discusses its importance even when you’re doing work that’s continually challenged, and shares thoughts on the changing role descriptions for HR professionals – why this is a good thing and the opportunities it brings.

Providing examples such as how to support managers with all the changes taking place, Eugenio provides guidance on asking the right questions rather than having all the answers, and calls on everyone in HR to take more risks.