gender inclusive policy
A gender inclusive approach continues to be a key area in attracting, supporting and retaining working parents. Get the latest examples and insights on how companies are equalising their policies.
fertility and neonatal leave
Trends such as a record number of women freezing their eggs are making both Fertility and Neonatal support important elements of Family Friendly workplaces. Get the latest data and case studies to see how your company could enhance its approach.
pregnancy and baby loss
The UK Government estimates that miscarriage is experienced by one in five women. Considering how many people in an organisation may be impacted by Pregnancy or Baby Loss, many companies are enhancing their support. Find out who and steps you could take too.
recognising return to work
Accessibility and affordability of childcare particularly in the UK, means that returning to work after parental leave continues to be a talent retention pressure point for employers. Learn how companies have been innovating and introducing support.
Grandparents & Carers at Work
Supporting colleagues who have caring responsibilities, such as grandparents, also impacts parents’ return to work experience and retention. Does your company have data on the number of grandparents in your workforce?