child protection
Uplifting People is committed to, and has a duty to, safeguard and promote the welfare of the adults and children who use its services or with whom it comes into contact.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility: for those adults and children we work with to be safe and for our services to be effective each employee, contractor, locum, volunteer, charity partners, suppliers and any other person who we come in to contact with through our work must play their full part in safeguarding vulnerable adults and children.
Uplifting People Directors have a governance responsibility to ensure the company is doing all it can to meet current legislation and best practice and to facilitate this have a comprehensive policy which is overseen by a nominated a Safeguarding Trustee.
From Babies with Love respects the privacy of all the children it supports, which is especially important as the children are vulnerable, many exposed to violent situations.
It is important that Uplifting People does not share any information that could put a child at risk, including information that could enable a child to be identified or found.
Therefore Uplifting People does not share:
• The real names of the children. We have researched names that are popular in the countries the children live and given a new name to all the individual children we support. We have come to know of the children with these new names and when we’re thinking of them, and throughout our work, that’s how we refer to them.
• The specific locations of the children. We share the countries the children are from, but we do not share any specific geographical information.
• Any protected information, such as religion, sexual orientation, political beliefs, health, personal or private information about the children.