Episode 100: The unquenchable power of the human spirit: Josh Bersin, CEO & Founder, The Josh Bersin Company

Episode 100: The unquenchable power of the human spirit: Josh Bersin, CEO & Founder, The Josh Bersin Company
Episode 100: The unquenchable power of the human spirit: Josh Bersin, CEO & Founder, The Josh Bersin Company

Explaining how HR leadership drives both business and societal success, Josh comments on the unquenchable power of the human spirit – and the positive impacts when all your stakeholders believe in it. 

Josh discusses the ‘decomposition of work’ – how companies are creating agile models of work, changing job architecture away from industrial hierarchiwa to fluid, project orientated businesses – and how this is impacting people and company performance. 

Noting a straight line between HR and environmental sustainability issues, Josh describes the concept of “People Sustainability” and how through this lens many areas of HR and Inclusion work can be elevated on a company’s agenda.

Josh’s one wish? That you believe in and take care of yourself - that you understand how valuable, important and complex your role is - because there is so much opportunity for impact.