Episode 150: Show Up, Stand Up, Speak Up: Dom Boon, VP People, Liberty Latin America

Episode 150: Show Up, Stand Up, Speak Up: Dom Boon, VP People, Liberty Latin America
Episode 150: Show Up, Stand Up, Speak Up: Dom Boon, VP People, Liberty Latin America

Dom describes significant culture change at Cable & Wireless in the Caribbean, created by actions including micro-behaviour change, changes to performance management and types of leave, that have had impact beyond the organisation. 

Advocating that HR must start with business strategy before leading people strategy, Dom discusses how HR is moving up the value chain, and the opportunities this brings. Sharing the idea of ‘Purpose Bundling’, Dom describes his passions, how they connect with work and relate to the communities and markets he leads in. 

Dom shares his experience of working on culturally sensitive topics, including gender-based violence, and, giving credit to a phrase from The Billie Jean King Foundation, calls on everyone in HR to ‘show up, stand up, speak up’