Episode 153: HR & Feeling Liberated: Pernille Fritz Vilhelmsen, Chief People & Culture Officer, Hempel

Episode 153: HR & Feeling Liberated: Pernille Fritz Vilhelmsen, Chief People & Culture Officer, Hempel
Episode 153: HR & Feeling Liberated: Pernille Fritz Vilhelmsen, Chief People & Culture Officer, Hempel

Hempel owns many paint brands around the world, including for example Crown Paints and Farrow & Ball.

Introducing its structure, with majority ownership by the Hempel Foundation, Pernille shares the story of origin and the social and environmental change that takes place when you buy a pot of their paint, from childrens' education to regenerating biodiversity.
Pernille shares her personal journey and learning in understanding the scope of diversity, equity and inclusion and the impacts for creating the best teams at work. Discussing her leadership approach and HR’s role enhancing business value, Pernille reflects on how HR can support people to feel liberated by being comfortable with who they are.