Episode 72: How your HR work delivers the E, the S, the G in ESG

Episode 72: How your HR work delivers the E, the S, the G in ESG
Episode 72: How your HR work delivers the E, the S, the G in ESG

In this special episode we take a look at examples of how HR delivers the E, the S and the G in ESG.

It's brilliant to see the momentum in linking how your commercial HR work is also driving ESG results, and contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. So, we selected a few examples from a handful of CHROs' episodes, and we connect the dots.

We only scratch the surface of the topics and connections – but I hope the examples will be useful to you in seeing how naturally they come, how rewarding it is to see the work in the context of the change it creates, and how helpful that can be to winning the hearts and minds of any stakeholders you need to, to effect change at your company.

Make sure you stay tuned to the end of the episode because I share an idea for a brilliant and easy exercise you can do…