Episode 76: A non-negotiable for the CEO: Carolanne Minashi, Global Head of Inclusion, HSBC

Episode 76: A non-negotiable for the CEO: Carolanne Minashi, Global Head of Inclusion, HSBC
Episode 76: A non-negotiable for the CEO: Carolanne Minashi, Global Head of Inclusion, HSBC

Carolanne describes examples of key shifts she helped create for inclusion at work, including enhancing parental leave, designing a return-to-work programme, and working with health insurance providers to support transgender colleagues. Providing a step-by-step calculation to help secure sign off for equalising parental leave, Carolanne shares how this worked, alongside sentiment analysis.

Carolanne shares her experience with investors, the Chairman and CEO – all now wanting to speak to inclusion leaders, and how companies are stepping ahead of local legislation to pioneer change.